investigate Craft beer tours with Kiki Rebel Craft Beer is everywhere! I have been a fan for many years and have been lucky enough to sample fine local craft beer all around the world. My passion and appreciation […] Written by Kiki Rebel September 18, 2019September 12, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
investigate Heaven Scent: The Perfumery Barcelona experience Hidden away within the labyrinth of narrow streets in Barcelona´s historic barrio Sant Pere, The Perfumery Barcelona is a niche-boutique which proposes avant-garde fragrances in an enchanting yet contemporary atelier. […] Written by Charles Mc Donald July 1, 2019September 12, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Montreal dance: Untied Tales at Sala Hiroshima Untied Tales is like a twisted fairy tale, such as in the relationship between two children growing up in which we see the journey from innocence to defeat. Throughout the 60 […] Written by Sala Hiroshima April 4, 2019April 4, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
orientate La impactante narrativa visual de cambio climático, Exposición “Melting landscapes” de Islandia y Groenlandia 4 Abr-20May La exposición Melting Landscapes recopila algunas de las mejores fotografías que Fernando Moleres ha capturado a lo largo de las cinco expediciones que ha hecho en el Ártico desde 2014. Se trata de una serie narrativa […] Written by Matrix Barcelona April 4, 2019September 12, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Untied Tales. Danza de amor y desamor desde Quebec en Sala Hiroshima El fin de semana del viernes 12 y el sábado 13 de abril, los artistas de Quebec Clara Furey y Peter Jaško estrenan en España, en la Sala Hiroshima, la pieza Untied Tales (The vanished […] Written by Sala Hiroshima April 1, 2019April 1, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Japan Weekend Lo mejor del anime Descubre lo mejor del anime en Japan Weekend Barcelona con las series japonesas que más te gustan. La casa del cosplay Los mejores concursos y […] Written by Matrix Barcelona March 5, 2019March 5, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Collaboration Station *art*music*performance* Matrix Barcelona is very excited for the next new Barcelona edition of this great collaborative art & music event! Collaboration Station is an exquisitely excellent platform that supports and brings […] Written by Francesca Hector May 23, 2018May 23, 2018 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
participate Baletonic cóctel de ballet y pilates A veces alguien te cae bien desde el primer momento. Olga Ausejo es una de estás personas. La semana pasada tuve oportunidad de visitarla en su nueva boutique gym, Baletonic. […] Written by Poppy McAlister April 1, 2018April 2, 2018 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
investigate Secrets behind Stage Fright with Noah Levin I don’t think I am the only person in the world whose self-confidence plummets when watching improvised theatre. It is like sitting down in a restaurant and making the oh-so-common error […] Written by Poppy McAlister January 2, 2018January 25, 2018 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
investigate “Earthworks” de Semiconductor: Arte y ciencia en la gran instalación inmersiva de SonarPLANTA 2016 El estreno mundial de “Earthworks” se celebra durante los días 16, 17 y 18 de junio en Sónar Barcelona, en el espacio SonarPLANTA. La monumental pieza, titulada “Earthworks”, representa la […] Written by Matrix Barcelona May 15, 2017April 2, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
investigate The Ironing Age of Karol Bergeret Ideas are like dandelion seeds… thousands of etheric parachutes lifted by the wind on a sultry autumn afternoon. Only a few are absorbed into fertile soil, their coded impulse for expression […] Written by Francesca Hector September 9, 2015March 1, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
transform Tagore’s timeless Txitrangada reaches beyond gender Art can lead us deep into our nature, and Chitrangada has curled softly into her dancers who present a powerful poetic experience through this dance drama. With all four nights at […] Written by Francesca Hector January 26, 2015March 1, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked